ProgramEdit screenshot

ProgramEdit (PgmEdit) is a free Windows® source-code editor and ASCII text editor.  It is both powerful and easy-to-use, and includes many unique editing capabilities...


Drag-Drop file loading and text editing.
Hundreds of files open at a time.
Tabbed and sorted-list file selection.
Find, Find All, Replace, Replace All.
Regular Expressions.
Bracket/brace matching.
Column Editing.
Customization - Colors, fonts, tabs, margins, shortcuts.
Color syntax highlighting.

Support for many popular languages:
C/C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python,
Ruby, SQL, VB, VBScript, VHDL, XML, and Batch files.
Other languages easily added.
Unlimited Sessions (Projects).
Up to 15 global Bookmarks per Session.
Hexadecimal file viewer.
HTML/XML Tidy checking.
Hyperlinks - file, folder, web URL.
Line Change indicators.
Line sorting.
Macros - keystroke recording and playback.
Multiple Undo/Redo.
See PgmEdit Help Files for additional features and details.
Because PgmEdit is built using Microsoft .NET technology, the user interface is highly consistent with other Windows applications including MS Visual Studio and Word.

ProgramEdit - Journal des modifications:

Mise à jour automatique du retour à la ligne:
Activatio de l'édition de texte.
Ajout de l'aide de PgmEdit/les bogues connus/les bogues Word-Wrap Auto.
Mise à jour des fichiers d'aide automatique de Word-Wrap.

Size: 2.08 MB
