DWSIM Chemical Process Simulation screenshot
DWSIM Chemical Process Simulation

DWSIM is Free and open source, CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator,  DWSIM features a comprehensive set of unit operations, advanced thermodynamic models, support for reacting systems, petroleum characterization tools and a fully-featured graphical interface...

DWSIM is a  CAPE-OPEN compliant Chemical Process Simulator and has an easy-to-use graphical interface with many features previously available only in commercial chemical process simulators.

Runs on all platforms: DWSIM runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS.
Steady-state and dynamic simulations: Parallel Modular Solver for Steady-State and Dynamic Modeling
ADVANCED property packageS: PR, SRK, NRTL, UNIQUAC, GERG-2008, PC-SAFT and more.
Excel interface: Use the Excel Add-In to do thermodynamic calculations in your Spreadsheet.
AUTOMATION API: Create, Load, Modify, Run and Save Flowsheets directly from code.
STANDALONE THERMO: Integrate DWSIM Thermodynamic Models with your software, for free.

CAPE-OPEN features (Windows): Thermo 1.0/1.1 Property Package Socket, Thermo 1.1 Property Package Server, Unit Operation Socket and Flowsheet Monitoring Object support. Additionally, DWSIM exposes its Python Script (Custom) Unit Operation for all CAPE-OPEN compliant simulators
Thermodynamic Models: GERG-2008, PC-SAFT, CoolProp, Peng-Robinson, Peng-Robinson (1978), Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Lee-Kesler, Lee-Kesler-Plöcker, UNIFAC, Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund), UNIQUAC, NRTL, Chao-Seader, Grayson-Streed, Raoult’s Law, IAPWS-IF97 Steam Tables, IAPWS-08 Seawater, Black-Oil, Sour Water and Aqueous Electrolytes
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation: PID Controller, Event Scheduler, Monitored Variables, Configurable Integrator, Cause-and-Effect Matrices, Control Panel (Real-Time) Mode, Indicators, Analog and Digital Gauges, Input Fields and Switches
Unit Operations (Steady-State): Mixer, Splitter, Separator, Pump, Compressor, Expander, Heater, Cooler, Valve, Pipe Segment, Shortcut Column, Heat Exchanger, Conversion/Equilibrium/Gibbs Reactors, PFR, CSTR, Component Separator, Orifice Plate, Distillation/Absorption Columns, Solids Separator, Cake Filter, Spreadsheet, Python Script and Flowsheet Unit Operation
Unit Operations (Dynamics): Mixer, Splitter, Separator, Pump, Compressor, Expander, Heater, Cooler, Valve, PFR, CSTR, Heat Exchanger, Spreadsheet and Python Script
Utilities: Phase Envelope, Hydrate Calculations, Pure Component Properties, Critical Point, PSV Sizing, Vessel Sizing, Spreadsheet and Petroleum Cold Flow Properties
Tools: PID Controller Tuning, Binary Data Regression, Compound Creator, Bulk C7+ and Distillation Curves Petroleum Characterization and Reactions Manager
Process Analysis: Multivariate Constrained Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis utility
Extras: Python/IronPython Scripting System and Plugins Interface


Runs on 32/64-bit Windows XP or newer, 64-bit Linux, macOS and Raspberry Pi 2 or newer.
Native Look-and-Feel User Interface (UI) on all supported platforms.
Parallel multicore CPU and GPU (CUDA/OpenCL) calculation engine.
VLE, VLLE and SLE calculations using Equation of State, Activity Coefficient and Chao-Seader models.
Supports CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations and Thermo 1.0/1.1 Property Packages.
Exposes Property Packages as CAPE-OPEN 1.1 Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Property Calculators.
Includes Python Script CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation.
Supports ChemSep's Component Database and Column Model.
Process Flowsheet Diagram (PFD) Drawing Interface.
Rigorous Distillation/Absorption Column models.
Support for Chemical Reactions and Reactors.
Characterization of Petroleum Fractions using bulk properties and/or ASTM/TBP distillation curves and creation of Hypothetical Components using UNIFAC groups.
Multivariate Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis utility.
Extensible through Python Scripts and Plugins.
Binary VLE/LLE/SLE Data Regression utility.
Excel Interface for Thermodynamic Calculations (Windows only).
Standalone Thermodynamics Library.
Compound Creator Utility for user defined components.

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows (32/64-bit x86) with .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer
Linux (32-bit armhf / 64-bit x86) with Mono 5.8 or newer
macOS (formerly OS X) 10.7 or newer

For windows 32 bit - Size: 127.56 MB - Download

For windows 64 bit - Size: 127.81 MB - Download

For MACOS (64-BIT) - Size: 138 MB - Download

For LINUX (32/64-BIT) - 7z-compressed Wine Prefix - Size: 278 MB - Download

For LINUX (64-BIT) - Debian Installer Package - Size: 132 MB - Download