DoNotSpy11 screenshot

DoNotSpy11 is a privacy-enhancing tool designed for Windows 11 users. It allows users to manage and disable various telemetry and data collection features that Microsoft has integrated into its operating system. By offering granular control over privacy settings, DoNotSpy11 aims to give users a higher degree of control over their personal data and how it is shared with Microsoft.

Key Features of DoNotSpy11:

User-Friendly Interface:

DoNotSpy11 provides a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible for both novice and advanced users. The interface is designed to offer clear and concise options for managing privacy settings without overwhelming the user.

Comprehensive Privacy Control:

The software includes a wide range of settings that users can adjust to enhance their privacy. These settings cover various aspects of Windows 11, including data collection, app permissions, and user tracking.

Disable Telemetry:

One of the primary features of DoNotSpy11 is its ability to disable telemetry services. Telemetry is the automated process of collecting diagnostic and usage data. While this can help Microsoft improve its services, it also raises privacy concerns. DoNotSpy11 allows users to turn off telemetry, thereby preventing Microsoft from collecting data about their system usage.

Manage Windows Updates:

DoNotSpy11 provides options to manage Windows updates. Users can control how and when updates are installed, ensuring that updates do not interfere with their workflow or install unwanted features.

Application Permission Management:

The tool offers settings to control which applications can access sensitive data, such as the camera, microphone, and location services. This feature helps users prevent unauthorized access to their personal information.

Disable Advertising ID:

Windows 11 assigns an advertising ID to each user to deliver personalized ads. DoNotSpy11 includes options to disable this feature, reducing the amount of targeted advertising and the data collected for these purposes.

One-Click Privacy Optimization:

For users looking for a quick solution, DoNotSpy11 provides a one-click option to apply recommended privacy settings. This feature is especially useful for those who are not sure which settings to adjust but want to enhance their privacy immediately.

Detailed Explanations:

Each setting in DoNotSpy11 comes with a detailed explanation, helping users understand the implications of enabling or disabling a particular feature. This educational approach empowers users to make informed decisions about their privacy.

Restore Defaults:

If users want to revert to the original settings, DoNotSpy11 includes an option to restore defaults. This ensures that users can easily undo any changes if they encounter issues or change their mind about their privacy settings.

Regular Updates:

DoNotSpy11 is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Windows 11 and to include new privacy features as they become available. This commitment to updates ensures that users always have access to the most current privacy controls.

Why Use DoNotSpy11?

In an era where data privacy is a growing concern, DoNotSpy11 provides a valuable tool for users looking to take control of their personal information. Whether you are concerned about data collection, targeted advertising, or unauthorized access to your sensitive data, DoNotSpy11 offers a comprehensive solution to enhance your privacy on Windows 11.

DoNotSpy11 is a powerful utility for anyone looking to regain control over their privacy on Windows 11. With its extensive range of features, user-friendly interface, and commitment to regular updates, it stands out as a must-have tool for privacy-conscious users. Whether you are a tech-savvy individual or a casual user, DoNotSpy11 makes it easy to protect your personal information and enjoy a more private computing experience.

DoNotSpy11 - Changelog:

General: Added Support for Windows 11 24H2.

General: Added Support for Windows 11 23H2 (Moment 5).

General: Added support for high DPI (dots per inch) displays.

General: Added new category “Windows AI (Artificial Intelligence)”.

Tweak added: AI: Disable Recall (Snapshots) (from build 26100).

Tweak added: Apps: Disable Access to Cellular Data.

Tweak added: Apps: Disable Access to Eye Tracking.

Tweak added: Apps: Disable Access to Motion / Activity.

Tweak added: Edge: Disable Control Copilot Access to Browser Context.

Tweak added: Edge: Disable Spell Checking Provided by Microsoft Editor.

Tweak added: Edge: Disable Website Typo Protection.

Tweak added: Edge: Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge New Tab Page.

Tweak added: Start: Disable Recommended Section.

Tweak added: Start: Disable Website Recommendations in Recommended Section.

Tweak removed: Edge: Disable Discover Access to Page Contents (deprecated).

Tweak updated: AI: Disable Copilot (also works on Windows 10 now).

Tweak updated: AI: Disable Taskbar Copilot Button (also works on Windows 10 now).

Tweak updated: Apps: Disable Background Applications (changed recommendation from blue to orange).

Download  DoNotSpy11:

Size: 2.11 MB
