Binary Ninja Screenshot
Binary Ninja

Binary Ninja is a sophisticated binary analysis tool designed for reverse engineering professionals and cybersecurity enthusiasts. It combines an intuitive interface with powerful features, offering a versatile platform for exploring, analyzing, and manipulating binary code. Developed by Vector 35, Binary Ninja supports various architectures and provides both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a headless analysis mode for script-based automation.

Binary Ninja is a state-of-the-art reverse engineering tool that facilitates the examination and modification of binary executables. It supports a wide range of architectures and file formats, making it an essential tool for cybersecurity analysts, malware researchers, and software developers. With its powerful disassembly and decompilation capabilities, Binary Ninja simplifies the process of understanding complex binary code, enabling users to identify vulnerabilities, analyze malware, and ensure the security of their software.


  1. Multi-Architecture Support:

    • Supports numerous architectures including x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, MIPS, PPC, and more.
    • Allows for the analysis of binaries from different platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  2. Interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI):

    • User-friendly interface with interactive graphs for visualizing code flow.
    • Features a comprehensive set of tools for navigation, annotation, and analysis.
    • Customizable layout to suit individual workflows.
  3. Advanced Disassembly:

    • High-quality disassembly with accurate instruction decoding.
    • Supports both assembly and intermediate languages for better readability.
    • Intelligent cross-references and call graphs to understand function relationships.
  4. Decompilation:

    • Provides a powerful decompiler that converts binary code into high-level pseudo-code.
    • Enables easier understanding of complex algorithms and code structures.
    • Supports multiple output languages, including C.
  5. Scripting and Automation:

    • Built-in Python scripting engine for automating repetitive tasks.
    • Supports custom scripts and plugins to extend functionality.
    • Headless mode for integrating Binary Ninja into larger analysis pipelines.
  6. Binary Patching:

    • Facilitates binary modifications directly within the interface.
    • Supports NOPing, function replacement, and advanced patching techniques.
    • Ensures changes are reflected accurately across all views.
  7. Extensible Plugin System:

    • Robust plugin architecture allowing users to add new features and capabilities.
    • Active community providing a wide range of third-party plugins.
  8. Comprehensive API:

    • Full-featured API enabling deep integration with other tools and services.
    • Provides access to core functionalities for custom development.
  9. Cross-Platform Support:

    • Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
    • Consistent experience across all platforms.
  10. Collaboration and Sharing:

    • Supports collaborative reverse engineering with shared workspaces.
    • Allows exporting analysis results in various formats for sharing with colleagues.
  11. Detailed Analysis Capabilities:

    • Dataflow and control flow analysis to identify vulnerabilities and understand binary behavior.
    • Type analysis and function signature matching for improved accuracy.
    • Advanced heuristics and pattern matching for malware analysis.
  12. Support and Documentation:

    • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials to get users started quickly.
    • Active support community and forums for troubleshooting and knowledge sharing.
  13. Regular Updates:

    • Continuous updates and improvements with new features and bug fixes.
    • Regularly updated with support for new architectures and file formats.

How to use Binary Ninja:

Binary Ninja stands out as a versatile and powerful tool for binary analysis and reverse engineering. Its extensive feature set, coupled with a user-friendly interface and robust scripting capabilities, makes it an invaluable asset for cybersecurity professionals and software developers alike. Whether you're analyzing malware, identifying software vulnerabilities, or conducting in-depth reverse engineering, Binary Ninja provides the tools and flexibility needed to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

1. Installation and Setup

  • Download: Choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  • Installation: Follow the on-screen instructions for your OS. On Windows, use the installer and choose either a global or local user path. On macOS, drag and drop the app bundle. Linux installation locations can vary, so unzip the downloaded file to a desired location and run the ./binaryninja/scripts/ script (optional for setting up file associations and adding the Python library to your path).

2. Opening Files

  • Drag and Drop: The simplest way. Drag your binary file (e.g., ELF, PE, Mach-O) directly onto the Binary Ninja application window.
  • File Menu: Go to "File" -> "Open" and navigate to your binary file.
  • Recent Files: If your binary was recently opened, it might appear in the "Recent Files" list under the File menu for quick access.
  • URL Handler: For specific use cases, Binary Ninja can handle files opened from URLs. Refer to the documentation for details.
  • Command Line: For scripted workflows or integration with other tools, you can use the command line interface (CLI) with the -b flag followed by the binary file path. For example: binaryninja -b /path/to/your/binary.exe

3. User Interface (UI) Basics

Binary Ninja's UI consists of four main areas:

  • Symbol List: This sidebar panel displays a list of symbols (functions, variables, data) identified in the binary. You can double-click on a symbol to jump to its definition in the main view.
  • Cross References: This panel shows where a symbol is used throughout the binary. It's helpful for tracking function calls and data references.
  • Main View: This is the central area where you interact with the analyzed binary code. The default view shows the High-Level Intermediate Language (IL), which offers a human-readable representation of the assembly instructions. You can switch between different views (e.g., Assembly, Disassembly, Data) using the tabs at the top.
  • Linear Disassembly View: This optional view provides a classic linear disassembly of the binary's machine code.

4. Understanding the Binary

  • Analysis Options: Before opening a file, you can use "File" -> "Open with Options" to configure analysis settings. Options include architecture, platform, alignment, debugging information handling, and more.
  • Navigation: Explore the binary using the navigation buttons (up/down arrows, jump to address) and by double-clicking on symbols in the Symbol List.
  • Annotations: Add comments and annotations directly in the main view to document your findings and analysis process.
  • Data Types: Infer data types for variables and pointers. This can significantly improve code readability and understanding.
  • Decompilation: Binary Ninja can attempt to decompile code into a higher-level language like C or Python (limited support, success depends on the complexity of the code). Right-click on a function and choose "Decompile Function" to try it.

5. Advanced Features and Customization

Binary Ninja offers a wealth of advanced features for detailed reverse engineering tasks:

  • Scripting: Extend Binary Ninja's functionality using Python scripting. The built-in Python interpreter allows you to automate repetitive tasks, create custom analyses, and integrate with external tools.
  • Plugins: Explore a wide range of community-developed plugins that add support for specific architectures, decompilers, automation features, and more. You can manage plugins through the "Plugins" menu.
  • Debugger: Binary Ninja's built-in debugger allows you to debug binaries and applications in a controlled environment. This is particularly useful for dynamic analysis and understanding runtime behavior.

Learning Resources

For a more comprehensive understanding, refer to Binary Ninja's official documentation:, which covers installation, usage, features, scripting, and plugin development.

Download Binary Ninja:
Size: 325.88 MB