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VidBatch is a free, versatile tool for batch video processing that simplifies handling multiple video files at once. Whether you're editing multiple videos for a project or need to make quick changes across a series of files, VidBatch streamlines the process. Users can add several video files to a processing list, apply a wide range of tasks, and adjust parameters, all while processing them simultaneously in a single operation. VidBatch's multithreaded mode ensures optimal performance by utilizing the full power of modern CPUs, speeding up the video processing.

With VidBatch, you can combine multiple tasks, such as resizing, watermarking, and saving videos, all in one go. This efficiency makes it ideal for content creators, video editors, and anyone who needs to manage multiple video files with ease.

Key Features of VidBatch:

  • Batch Processing:
    Process multiple video files at once by adding them to a task list. VidBatch allows users to stack multiple tasks in the queue, significantly reducing manual labor.
  • Multithreaded Performance:
    VidBatch takes full advantage of modern CPUs by working in multithreaded mode, ensuring faster processing speeds. This feature optimizes performance, especially for large video files or extensive task lists.
  • Task: Save As
    Change the video format and codecs for both video and audio streams with this task. It allows you to save the processed videos in your preferred file format, making it flexible for any project requirement.
  • Task: Resize
    Scale videos according to your specified dimensions, either preserving or ignoring the aspect ratio. This task is particularly useful for optimizing video dimensions for different platforms or devices.
  • Task: Watermark Image
    Add watermarks to your videos by applying an image with customizable parameters, including transparency, justification, size, orientation, and more. The watermark task allows you to personalize videos while protecting your content from unauthorized use.
  • Task: Export Image
    Capture frames from your videos and save them as images. VidBatch allows for flexible control over the number of frames captured, making it easy to generate thumbnails or extract key moments from your video files.
  • Task: Trim
    Easily cut videos by setting start and end marks or by specifying start time and duration. This feature is perfect for removing unwanted sections or creating shorter clips from larger videos.

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: VidBatch is available for 64-bit Windows systems.
  • Compatibility: Tested and optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 7, ensuring reliable performance on these platforms.

Why Use VidBatch?

  • Efficiency: By processing multiple video files in a batch, VidBatch saves time and effort, especially when working on large-scale video projects.
  • Customizable Tasks: The ability to combine multiple tasks in a single operation makes VidBatch an all-in-one solution for video editing.
  • Multithreaded Mode: Ensures optimal performance and faster processing, utilizing the full power of your computer’s CPU.

Whether you need to resize videos, apply watermarks, or trim content from multiple files, VidBatch is your go-to tool for quick, efficient video processing.

VidBatch - Changelog:

  • Added Trim task.
  • Added Export Images task.
  • Resize task: added the ability to select the resizing - by specified values or aspect ratio.
  • Resize task: added ability to save entered values to the Combobox list.
  • Save As task: Added option to remove subtitles.
  • Save As task: Changed the default values for some parameters.
  • Save As task: Fixed saving video with streams of other types besides video and audio.
  • Save As task: Fixed problem with processing video streams with unsupported codecs.
  • Save As task: fixed bitrate sizes for video and audio (from bytes to Kbps).
  • Watermark Image task: many minor fixes.
  • Watermark Image task: Fixed a memory leak.
  • Lots of minor fixes for the interface and tasks.
Download VidBatch:
Size: 17.67 MB