FreeMat screenshot

FreeMat is an open-source numerical computing environment that provides a powerful platform for scientific and engineering computations. It is designed to be similar to MATLAB in terms of its syntax and functionality, making it a popular choice for users who are familiar with MATLAB but prefer open-source software...

FreeMat is a free and open-source alternative to commercial software like MATLAB. It is actively developed and maintained by a dedicated community of developers. It is available for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Here are some FreeMat key features:

N-dimensional Array Manipulation: FreeMat supports N-dimensional arrays, making it suitable for handling a wide range of data types and structures.

Data Types: FreeMat supports various data types, including 8, 16, and 32 bit integer types (signed and unsigned), 32 and 64 bit floating-point types, and 64 and 128 bit complex types.

Arithmetic Operations: It provides built-in arithmetic operations for manipulating all supported data types, allowing for efficient data processing and computation.

Linear Equation Solving: FreeMat supports the solution of linear systems of equations through the divide operators, which is a critical feature for many engineering and scientific applications.

Matrix Decompositions: It includes functionality for eigenvalue and singular value decompositions, important for tasks like eigenvalue problems and singular value decomposition.

Control Structures: FreeMat offers full control structure support, including for-loops, while-loops, break, continue, and other control flow statements.

2D Plotting and Image Display: Users can create 2D plots and display images, aiding in data visualization and analysis.

Heterogeneous Array Types: FreeMat supports heterogeneous array types, often referred to as "cell arrays" in MATLAB, allowing for versatile data structures.

Dynamic Structure Arrays: It provides full support for dynamic structure arrays, which are essential for organizing and managing data.

FFT Support: FreeMat offers split-radix based Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) support, useful for frequency domain analysis.

Pass-by-Reference: Similar to an IDL feature, FreeMat supports pass-by-reference, which is valuable for efficient memory management and data handling.

Keyword Support: Another feature from IDL, FreeMat supports keywords in function calls, enhancing code readability and flexibility.

Interface to External Code: FreeMat allows for a codeless interface to external C/C++/FORTRAN code, enabling users to integrate existing code libraries seamlessly.

Native Windows Support: It natively supports Windows, ensuring a smooth experience for Windows users without the need for additional software.

Sparse Matrix Support: FreeMat offers native support for sparse matrices, which can significantly optimize memory usage and computational efficiency for certain applications.

Support for Mac OS X: FreeMat provides native support for Mac OS X, eliminating the need for an X11 server.

Function Pointers: It supports function pointers, enabling dynamic function invocation and advanced programming techniques.

Classes and Operator Overloading: FreeMat supports object-oriented programming concepts, including classes and operator overloading.

3D Plotting and Visualization: Users can create 3D plots and visualize data using OpenGL, enhancing the presentation of 3D data.

Handle-Based Graphics: FreeMat supports handle-based graphics, allowing for more interactive and flexible graphical interfaces.

3D Volume Rendering: It offers 3D volume rendering capabilities via VTK (Visualization Toolkit), useful for visualizing complex 3D data sets.

Here are advantages of using FreeMat:

Cost-Free: As an open-source software, FreeMat is completely free to use, making it an attractive option for individuals, researchers, and organizations with budget constraints.

Cross-Platform: FreeMat is available for multiple operating systems, ensuring compatibility across Windows, macOS, and Linux environments.

MATLAB Compatibility: The MATLAB-like syntax and compatibility make it easy for MATLAB users to migrate to FreeMat without a steep learning curve.

Libre/Open Source: Being open-source, FreeMat provides transparency, allowing users to inspect and modify its source code as needed, which can be valuable for research and customization.

Wide Range of Functions: FreeMat offers a comprehensive set of mathematical and scientific functions, making it suitable for a broad spectrum of computational tasks.

Customization: Users can create custom functions and toolboxes, tailoring FreeMat to their specific needs and applications.

In summary, FreeMat is a feature-rich open-source environment that excels in rapid engineering and scientific prototyping, data processing, and visualization. Its compatibility with MATLAB and IDL, combined with its extensive feature set, makes it a powerful choice for scientific and engineering applications while remaining accessible to a wide user base due to its open-source nature.

FreeMat - Changelog:

FreeMat is now easier to build. The top level README.TXT includes instructions on how to build FreeMat on all three platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, and Mingw32).
Documentation has been migrated to doxygen.
A number of improvements have been made to the JIT back end.
64-bit on all platforms!

Size: 53.75 MB
