Buttercup Screenshot

Buttercup for desktop is a beautifully-simple password manager designed to help manage your credentials. Buttercup uses very strong encryption to protect your sensitive details under a single master password - Feel free to use stronger and more complex passwords for each service and let Buttercup store them securely...

Buttercup is free to download and use and is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Use it alongside the browser extension and mobile app for a completely portable experience.

Buttercup Key Features:

  • Strong Encryption: Buttercup uses strong 256-bit AES encryption to protect your sensitive login details, meeting current security standards. This encryption ensures that your stored credentials are secure and protected.
  • Simplicity: The software offers an easy-to-use interface with basic concepts, making it user-friendly for managing and retrieving login information. It simplifies the process of securely storing and organizing your passwords.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Buttercup is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, allowing users of different operating systems to utilize the software for their password management needs.
  • Master Password: Users only need to remember a single master password to unlock their encrypted vault, where all of their login credentials are stored. This encourages the use of stronger and more complex passwords for individual online accounts.
  • Portability: Buttercup offers a browser extension and a mobile app, enabling a portable experience. You can access your stored credentials from different devices and platforms, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
  • Password Security: Buttercup emphasizes the importance of using strong, unique passwords for each service to enhance security. It encourages users to avoid using easily guessable passwords, sharing passwords, or using the same password across multiple accounts.
  • Precautions: Users are advised to take precautions, such as choosing a unique master password that is not used elsewhere, creating long and highly varied passwords, and refraining from using common words or names in passwords. Security is only as strong as the master password, so it's crucial to follow best practices.
  • Free to Use: Buttercup is available for free, and there are no charges for downloading or using the software. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

Overall, Buttercup for desktop appears to be a user-friendly and secure password management solution that aims to help users protect their online accounts with strong and unique passwords. It encourages good password practices and provides cross-platform compatibility for added convenience. Users should ensure they follow best practices for maintaining the security of their master password to keep their credentials safe.

Buttercup - Changelog.

Here are the general steps to use Buttercup:

  1. Install Buttercup: Download Buttercup (Link below). Install the application on your device.
  2. Create a Vault: Open Buttercup and create a new vault. A vault is a secure container for storing your passwords. Set a strong master password for your vault. This is the key to unlocking and accessing your stored passwords, so make it strong and memorable.
  3. Add Passwords: Once your vault is created, start adding passwords. You can manually enter them or import passwords from other password managers or CSV files. For each entry, provide a title, username, password, and any additional information.
  4. Organize and Categorize: Organize your passwords by creating categories or groups. This makes it easier to find and manage your credentials. You might have categories like "Email," "Social Media," or "Banking."
  5. Use Browser Extensions (Optional): Buttercup offers browser extensions that can automatically fill in login details for websites. Install the extension for your preferred browser and integrate it with your vault.
  6. Sync Across Devices (Optional): Buttercup supports synchronization of your vault across multiple devices. You can use cloud services like Dropbox or Google Drive for syncing. Set up synchronization in the Buttercup settings.
  7. Generate Strong Passwords: Take advantage of Buttercup's password generation feature to create strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. This helps improve the security of your online accounts.
  8. Backup Your Vault: Regularly back up your Buttercup vault to prevent data loss. This is especially important if you make changes to your passwords or vault structure.
  9. Secure Your Master Password: Always remember your master password. If you forget it, there is usually no way to recover your passwords. Consider using a passphrase that is both strong and memorable.
  10. Update Buttercup: Keep Buttercup up to date to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.

Remember to review Buttercup's documentation and support resources for any specific details related to your operating system or device. Always prioritize the security of your master password and be cautious about where and how you store your vault.

Download Buttercup:
Install version:
Size: 71.92 MB - Download
Portabel version:
Size: 71.62 MB - Download