Photo Mosaic Maker screenshot
Photo Mosaic Maker

Photo Mosaic Maker is designed for user who wants to create a good quality photomosaic. Create photo mosaic with your own photos, with various cell shapes, various patterns, advance render control, Repetition, Cell range, Gap color, Color Match etc...

Photo Mosaic Mosaic is a traditional decorative art form, using tesserae-small pieces of glass, marble, ceramic or stone- to create images or patterns.
It is a picture that has been divided into multiple sections, each of which is replaced with another photograph of appropriate color pattern.
When viewed at low magnifications (at distance), the individual pixels appear as the Main Image, while close examination reveals that the image is in fact made up of many hundreds or thousands of smaller images (Tile Photos).

To make a mosaic, follow the procedures:

Prepare a Main Image:
When viewed at low magnifications (at distance), the mosaic appear as the Main Image.
Main image should contains only few details.
For a poster size mosaic, it contains around 2400-3600 tiles.
Each tile equals to 2x2 pixels, so your main image equals to 80x120pixels to 120x120 pixels. It is enough for a human face, or similar objects, barely enough for a half body portrait.
Have a collection of photos:
In most project, 200 photos is the min requirement to get good quality mosaic. 1000 photos is enough for excellent quality. more than 2000 photos will increase processing time.
Standard Edition can hold 1,000 photos in lib.
Pro Edition can hold 10,000 photos in lib.
Create a photo lib, import your photos.
Start a new mosaic project: Load your main image, then select photo lib.
Set proper size for your mosaic project: Once the mosaic size is decided, you may need to crop the main image to suit the project size.
Set proper options for the render engine. The options include:
Color Matching.
Repeat Control.
Cell / Background Filling.
Enhance and Blending.
Wait a few minutes:
For a poster size mosaic, 3,000 tiles and 1000 photo in lib.
It takes 5 minutes to render and draw mosaic picture.

Size: 13.99 MB
