Room Arranger screenshot
Room Arranger

Room Arranger is 3D room / apartment / floor planner with simple user interface. Once you get the basics, you can draw whatever you imagine. While having wide library of objects, you can easily create your own piece of furniture. Room Arranger can show your project in 3D. It uses VRML standard for it. So you can put interactive 3D scene on your web...

Program runs on iPad, Macs with macOS 10.14+ and PCs with Linux and Windows 10 and 11.


Easy to Use:
Room Arranger is small and compact piece of software. Still it lets you design nearly anything you imagine. Once you understand the basics it's easy to bring it to next level.
Nearly all functions have keyboard shortcuts, so you can learn to be pretty fast in Room Arranger.

3D Visualization:
3D can give you a better impression of your design. Room Arranger will not only let you fly around the scene, but you can also walk through it like in reality.
Did you know you can have multiple floors in the single project?

Build on Floor Plan Image:
Drawing walls can be quite time consuming for apartment or house design. So there is a way to make it easier in case you have an image or photo of the floor plan.
Just load the image of the floor plan into the Wall Editor, calibrate it, and draw walls on top of it...

Wide Object Library:
There are nearly 300 objects in the standard object library. Furniture, and other equipment. For each of them, you can modify their dimensions exactly as you need...

There is a measurement tool in Room Arranger that helps you to check if there is enough space left for other objects, or just visualize the dimensions in the project.
The software also measures the room areas, wall areas and other useful values...

Print in Scale
Printing is the integral part of designer's work. Professional architects usually require printouts in exact 1:50 or 1:100 scale, which is possible in Room Arranger.

Even if Room Arranger is already easy, there is a huge chance you can switch the program to your language and understand it even better.

Size: 19.24 MB
