PDF Eraser screenshot
PDF Eraser

PDF Eraser is a Windows application that deletes and erases text, images, logos and all unnecessary objects from PDF files. Users can use the program to remove some original content from a PDF file, and then add their text and images...

Besides that, PDF Eraser has a built-in PDF Page Cutter, which allows users to delete unnecessary PDF pages. Considering lots of scanned PDF documents, PDF Eraser also added the PDF Rotating function rotated PDF pages properly with 2 clicks.


Delete PDF Text Easily.
Erase PDF Images or Logos.
Add Your Text to PDF.
Place Your Images to PDF.
Cut PDF Pages.
Customize Eraser Size.

PDF Eraser as a professional tool and document eraser does not only erase or remove unnecessary elements from a PDF file or page, but has much more features to offer:

Addition and Deletion of Information in Any PDF File:
Adding and deleting unwanted information from PDF documents is the first and foremost feature of PDF Eraser, but in addition to it, you can customize your pdf pages by inserting or removing objects like images, tags, logos, testimonials and many more to get the desired output in your final PDF file according to your wish.

Rotate PDF Pages:
To give your PDF files the correct page orientation for better visibility and presentation, PDF Eraser has enabled the option to rotate PDF pages to the correct orientation.

PDF Page Cutter:
Use the built-in PDF Page Cutter of the PDF Eraser to delete or remove unwanted pages from a set of documents. PDF Eraser has a built-in PDF Page Cutter that allows users to delete all the unnecessary PDF pages at one go. When you have a load of scanned PDF documents, it can be a necessary to clean up your document and streamline it with only relevant information. In case of repetitions and other irrelevant occurrences, PDF Page cutter makes it all easy to get rid of them in simple steps of two clicks.

PDF ERASER can do:

If you got a PDF document contains unwanted text and images, you can use PDF Eraser to erase them and save to a new PDF file.
Erasing is not the only thing PDF Eraser can do. You can use the program to add your own text and pictures into the PDF as well.
PDF Eraser can rotate PDF pages also. It will help you to rotate the PDF pages to the correct orientation.
You might find some PDF pages are unnecessary, so you can use the built-in PDF Page Cutter to delete unwanted pages.
PDF Eraser could delete PDF text and images even if the PDF background color is NOT white. You can use the Color Picker tool to pick the background color and then erase or delete content. All the background color would not be changed.

Size: 6.17 MB
