CSV Buddy Screenshot
CSV Buddy

CSV Buddy Free helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load files with all sort of field delimiters (comma, tad, semi-colon) and encapsulators (double/single-quotes or any other). Convert line breaks in data field (XL ready). Rename/reorder fields, merge fields in new columns, add/edit records, filter or search, search and replace, save with any delimiters and export to fixed-width, HTML templates or XML formats. Automate tasks with scripting. Unicode ready...


Load CSV file to a list view:
Select and preview the file to load.
Supported file encodings: ANSI (default), UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-8-RAW (no BOM), UTF-16-RAW (no BOM) or CPnnnn (set the load “nnnn” code page in the CSVBuddy.ini file).
Get field names from the file header (first line of the file).

Edit columns:
Rename fields by entering a delimited string with the new field names.
Order fields by entering a delimited string with the names of the fields in the desired order.
Select fields to keep in the list view by entering a delimited string with the names of these fields.
Save list view to CSV file:
Choose destination file name (default to original name + 1 or 2, etc.).
Supported save encodings: ANSI (default), UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-8-RAW (no BOM), UTF-16-RAW (no BOM) or CPnnnn (set the save “nnnn” code page in the CSVBuddy.ini file).
Check the content of the destination file if it exists.

Export to fixed-with file.
Export to HTML using an HTML template.
Export to XML.

CSV Buddy Messenger allows to set the value of various controls (text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) in order to configure a task (like open file, edit columns, save or export file, etc.) and then trigger this task as if you were clicking on a button.

Size: 1.48 MB



CSV Buddy - Changelog